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A Few of My Favorite Things

I am sitting in Starbucks right now doing research on Organizational Effectiveness and Change Management, the industry(ies) I'd like to take my next job in, and Frank Sinatra's version of the famed Christmas song "My Favorite Things" is playing.  I think it was originally a Sound of Music song that it has somehow crossed over.

And by the way, YES, Christmas music is here already and we haven't hit Thanksgiving yet.  For all you early Christmas music haters, sorry. Year after year you are overruled by Consumer America and big corporations that need to be in the black by year's end and believe that cranking the carols will get everyone in the mood to spend big.  I'm in the Christmas spirit a little early this year, perhaps it's because I'm in a new place.  But for whatever reason I don't mind it.

Back to my point. It started me thinking about a few of my own favorite things.  Not regarding Christmas but regarding, well, anything.  Although raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens don't do it for me, here is what does... (And note this is not in rank order, it's simply a conglomeration of preferences.)

32 of my Favorite Things:
1. Chocolate.  Milk. But I dabble on the dark side too.  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
2. Water. I drink a lot on a daily basis.
3. Fall. A new favorite since moving to Nashvegas.
4. Coldplay. 
5. WD-40. It's become my Windex.
6. Gift cards. I am picky.
7. Travel. It's how I recharge. International, Domestic, Weekend, Day- I love all trips.
8. Downloading music from Itunes. Yes, I still pay for my music.
9. Music over movies.
10. All things Apple.
11. All things Dave Ramsey. 
12. My closest friends. Engaging, enriching friendships are my fuel.
13. Dogs. I don't have one yet. Don't even know what type I'd like.
14. Celebrating my birthday. I tend to drag it out as long as possible.
15. Being 30. Had a blast in my 20s but ready for this new chapter.
16. Brushing and flossing my teeth. 
17. Business and/or personal growth books. 
18. Asking a lot of questions.
19. Facebook as my current social medium of choice.
20. Going to church.
21. Watching Football.
22. Watching the Real Housewives of (any city).
23. Starbucks. Hot drinks with a straw.
24. The treadmill these days.
25. Green Smoothies.
26. Fox News. But I'd watch Anderson Cooper.
27. Just about any type of cultural cuisine. Japanese, Chinese, Indian, French, Italian, you name it.
28. Taking pictures with my new camera.
29. Keeping my car clean.
30. Eating out of my deep bowls.
31. Collecting magnets from the places I visit.
32. Meeting and talking to new people.

I could list many more but I think this will do for now.


Julie Morris said...

Love this!!! It's always great to read lists of people I love to know even more, because babe, even after bring a bridesmaid of mine, and how many years of of friendship, I still love to know any random fact you'd care to share. Love you :)

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